Effect Magazine



French gallery Maison Parisienne at Collect Fair 2023 exhibited works including L: Strate II by Aware, C: Incandescence by Coralie Laverdet, R: Or et Nature by Aude Franjou.

The world’s leading international fair for contemporary craft and design returned to London’s Somerset House last week for its 19th edition. Collect inhabits a singular space in the art and design world. One of the few international fairs to focus almost exclusively on contemporary objets, it remains intimate in feel, yet wears its global stature with ease. The increasingly diverse range of galleries and artistic voices featured at this year’s fair made the show richer in content and discovery than ever before.

There’s a buoyancy about Collect this year – an anticipatory quality shared by exhibitors and attendees. And while every stand was carefully curated and had its strengths, here are three galleries that particularly caught our eye. One of them is Maison Parisienne […].

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